Purpose of this Blog

My name is Kate. I have an amazing husband and a beautiful little daughter. I have a degree in Manufacturing Engineering Technology and a deep love for building and creating anything. I also have a secret.

I've been struggling with postpartum depression and with its lesser known counterparts postpartum anxiety and postpartum obsessive-compulsive disorder.

This blog is an experiment with a bit of self therapy.
I intend for this blog to help me in a few ways.

First, by allowing me to put my goals in a public forum where I will feel more of a responsibility to complete them.

Second, by providing an outlet where I can speak freely and detail my feelings and (hopefully) progress.

Third, by helping me connect with others who are going through similar challenges.

Working with my hands has always been a big part of my life. It's something that gives me a great sense of accomplishment. Most of my goals will be related to some craft or project. I intend to update every Wednesday with an update on my projects. As time goes on I hope to make this blog include more instructions and tutorials. That'll be more fun for everyone.

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